Community Gardens - Gary Salzman
History - Because many of the housing areas surrounding PEAR Park have limited the use of common areas, and owner yards usually have limited space, the PEAR Association launched a community gardening project in 2006. The project was designed for 66 plots, each 15 x 15 feet. This was expanded to 87 plots by the start of 2007. Guidelines, patterned after those used by the City of Leesburg at their downtown gardens, were adopted and a $15.00 fee asked to keep the project self -supporting.
There are 87 plots for use year round by any community resident. Some folks like to spruce up their garden with flowers, scarecrows, and other ornaments. Fencing to keep out rabbits is a must.
This fall 50 families or individuals (some folks lease two plots) have begun
their fall planting. Water is furnished, but planting and weeding are the
gardener’s responsibility. According to the UF vegetable gardening guide,
cooler weather in Florida is a good time to plant and raise the following
Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collards, endive, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsley, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, strawberries and turnips.
A gardener hard at work.