PEAR Association Inc.

PEAR Association Inc is an independent corporation, whose volunteers help restore the Reserve. We work in co-operation with the Lake County Parks & Trails division, but receive no funds from the county. We have received grants from other governmental agencies. We are funded through grants, donations, membership and fund-raisers. We are a Not-For-Profit (501(c)(3) corporation (federal and state tax exempt).


Budget and Finance Committee :

George Wolf, Gary Salzman

Committe Chairs

Bluebird Trail - Parks and Trails

Butterfly Garden - .Carol Dugauy

Community Gardens Gary Salzman

Demonstration Gardens - Peg Urban

Grape Arbor -Parks and Trails

Gopher Tortoise Parks and Trails

Heritage Memorial Grove - Gary Salzman

Meadows Restoration - Parks and Trails

Tractor Field Work- Hal Urban

Historian - Bob Putman

Science & Nature Center - Gene Bouley

Scrub Restoration -Parks and Trails

Wetland Restoration - Parks and Trails

Wildflowers - Parks and Trails

Xeriscape Gardens - Parks and Trails




Board of Directors. - PEAR association Inc.

Gary Salzman- President
Bob Putman- Vice President
George Wolf-Secretary
Bob Putman-Treasurer
Sally Schulte - Corresponding Sec


George Wolf-Membership








Gene Bouley

Peg Lindsay

Peter Moeller

Bob Putman

Gary Salzman




Lake Parks & Trails Events Office 253-4950
Parks & Trails contact Wendy Poag 742-3867





George Wolf

Volunteers -Peg Urban









Grants Recieved

Lake County Water Authority, The Florida Native Plant Society, The United States Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, The Florida Wildflower Foundation and the National Tree Trust Grant