Heritage Memorial Grove - Gary Salzman
The Memorial Grove is finally a reality. Members of the
committee overseeing this project ( Gary Salzman, Lynn McGann) mapped out
the tree placement pattern and distributed the brochure advertising the
readiness of contributors to purchase a tree and memorial brick. There is
also a separate section for Veterans, within this same Grove.
The final location of the Grove was changed from just below the hilltop
pavilion to the field of the former dog park, immediately inside and to
the left of the University Drive entrance. Existing water availability was
a factor in this final choice.
Visit the Grove on your next trip to PEAR Park and see where new
trees have been planted and several memorial bricks have
been placed.
Remember your loved one with a lasting memorial by planting
a tree
in their honor.
Planting a native Florida tree is not only a visible, lasting
tribute to honor a special person, a veteran,
or to celebrate an event, but a contribution to preserving the
You are invited to fill out a request for purchasing a tree and memorial
brick. See the application herein. The cost is $50.00. If you have questions
please call Gary Salzman (352-323-6138) . Brochures with applications have
been placed throughout various communities in the area, or call a PEAR member.
Request for a memorial tree to be planted in the Heritage
Memorial Grove:
In memory of_____________________________________
In honor of_______________________________________
Special Occasion__________________________________
Veteran's Section_________
Sentiment on brick (4”x8”)(13 characters per line, 3 lines):_________________________________
Preferred native tree:__________________________________
Do you wish to participate in the planting? ____Yes ____No
Phone:______________________, E-Mail (optional)___________________________________
Tree and brick will not be ordered unless full payment accompanies request: