These are draft minutes until approved at the next meeting of PEAR Association, March 17, 2014.

PEAR Association, Inc. Annual Meeting Minutes: Minutes of Monday, December 2nd, 2013
Directors present: Peg Lindsay, Peter Moeller, Gary Salzman, Bob Putman
Other members present: William Davis, Gene Bouley, Jean Morse, Hal Urban, Peg Urban, Tori Salzman
Lake County Parks & Trails representative: Wendy Poag
The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. by President, Gary Salzman.
In the absence of the Secretary George Wolf, Peg Lindsay was appointed acting Secretary.
Minutes of the November 18th, 2013 meeting were read and amended as follows:
Replace the wording of Peter Moeller’s report on the meadows as follows: Additional planting is on hold until the County is able to conduct a planned burn. The burn is approved but waiting for appropriate weather conditions.
Ex-commissioner Hill’s name should be removed from the cc list and Commissioner Sullivan’s name added.
Hal Urban moved, seconded by Gene Bouley, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Treasurer, Bob Putman. Since the last meeting, in round numbers, the Association has had expenses of $290, income of $6,135 (of which $5,000 is being held for the County’s use in the Dog Park) for a net balance of $14,164.60 ($9,164.60). Of that, $45 is in cash and the remainder in the Association checking account.
Wendy Poag reported for Parks & Trails.
The Events Guide published by the County for Parks & Trails is planned a year and a half in advance. If PEAR Association wants events included, information needs to be sent to Gallus Quigley or Rachel Dellinger NOW for inclusion in the 2015 Guide.
Wendy passed out highlighted, preview copies of the 2014 guide to members of PEAR Association who have volunteered to lead events at PEAR in 2014.
The construction of the Bird Blind is temporarily on hold because of an issue with the contractor. The job is currently out for (re-) bid.
Electrical upgrades requested by William Davis for irrigation of the grape arbor cannot be installed as requested. The remnant grape arbor is in the middle of a restoration area where burns will be periodically conducted. Any work done there would probably require re-installing all wiring from the building out to the field and would have to be installed to code by a County electrician . This would be cost-prohibitive.
Membership – no report.
Grape Arbor - Gary Salzman will work with William Davis to see if PEAR Association could fund a solar alternative to run the irrigation system. Thanks to William Davis for his generous donations and hours of service in the grape arbor.
Meadows and Wildflowers – Last of the fall bloomers are in bloom. Further activity is on hold until after a burn. Thanks to Peter Moeller for bringing the meadows to bloom.
Nature Center – Gene Bouley discussed upcoming events and monthly scheduled open house. Thank you Gene, for your initiative in the creation of the PEAR Science and Nature Center.
Trails - Gene Bouley requested guidelines for trimming vegetation encroaching on the trail. Wendy Poag reviewed guidelines.
PEAR Pearls – the Association will continue to issue Pearls twice per year with an occasional winter mini-edition. Thanks to our dedicated editor, George Wolf.
Mowing – not needed until the Spring of 2014.
Bluebird Trail – no activity until Spring.
Community Gardens – The Gardens had few expenses in FY 2013 so the Association had a positive revenue stream. A few of the gardeners will be giving up their plots, so plots will be available in January.
Heritage Memorial Grove – Lynn McGann has been busy installing bricks. Peg Urban continues to look for a Shumart Oak as a memorial for Barbara Plakke.
Volunteers – We have a VERY DEDICATED group of volunteers who primarily maintain the gardens year round, coordinated by Peg Urban. Thank you all.
Xeriscape Garden – additional plantings are on hold until after the construction of the Bird Blind, when the road and walkways will be re-aligned. Many thanks to Jean and Terry Morse for their dedication and hours of service.
Demonstration Garden – Thanks to the dedicated volunteers, the gardens are thriving and blooming throughout the year, attracting a wide variety of birds, butterflies, dragonflies and other pollinators. As the plants continue to mature with increased fruit production and cover density, more species of birds have been attracted to the gardens. Thanks to Lake Beautyberry Chapter FNPS and especially Barbara and Tony Grigg for numerous and generous donations of rare native plants over the last 10 years. Special thanks to Nancy Griebel for countless hours devoted to the gardens this past year.
Historian – no report.
Volunteer forms and volunteer hours – Peg Lindsay contacted Janine Nelson of the Lake County Human Relations Department. All PEAR volunteers are requested to file a Volunteer Services Application and report annual hours of service to Ms. Nelson. The Application is available online from the County website at www.lakecountyfl.gov/pdfs/employee_services/volunteer_services/volunteer_application.pdf
Metal sculpture for the Butterfly Pavillion – Peg Urban and Peg Lindsay visited Metal Magic again. They recommended that PEAR Association commission a sculpture of native passionvine/Maypop with life cycle depictions of the two butterfly species which use this plant exclusively as a host plant. A $2,500 - $3,000 commission would get us approximately 6 sculpted adult butterflies, several caterpillars, chrysalis of both species and eggs on a passionvine with leaves and 6 to 8 flowers. Peter Moeller moved, seconded by Hal Urban, that PEAR Association appropriate an amount not to exceed $3,000 for the purchase of a butterfly and passionvine painted metal sculpture, fabricated and installed by Metal Magic in the PEAR Park Butterfly Pavillion. Said installation would be under guidance from Parks & Trails personnel. Discussion included remarks that the sculpture would depict the life cycles of the Gulf Fritillary butterfly – the most abundant butterfly in Central Florida – and Florida’s State Butterfly the Zebra Longwing. It would be a permanent educational display for visitors to PEAR Park. Motion carried with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention.
Amendment of the By-laws – Peg Lindsay passed around a copy of the proposed amendment. This amendment would allow ONE signature (Treasurer, President or Vice-president) rather than TWO currently required, on all checks of the Association. Specific changes would appear in Articles VIII.B.1, VIII.B.2 (duties of the President and Vice-president) as well as VIII.B.4 (duties of the Treasurer). The change to Article VIII.B.4 reads as follows:
He shall sign all checks for the disbursement of funds. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President is authorized to sign checks for disbursement of funds.
Peg Lindsay moved, seconded by Peter Moeller, to approve the amendment as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Election of the Board of Directors – Two seats are up for election. Peter Moeller’s and Peg Lindsay’s terms have expired. The Nominating Committee recommends George Wolf and Hal Urban to the Board. There was a nomination of Tori Salzman from the floor. Voting was conducted by a show of hands, each member allowed two votes.
Tori Salzman – 1 vote for
George Wolf – 9 votes for
Hal Urban – 8 votes for
Hal Urban and George Wolf were elected to the Board.

Approval of the Budget for 2014 – members of the Budget Committee are Bob Putman, Gary Salzman and George Wolf. Peg Lindsay moved, seconded by Gene Bouley, to approve the budget as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Native Plant Sale April 26th, 2014 – the date was selected to accommodate our primary plant vendor, Green Isle Gardens. Peg Urban will contact all previous vendors with a “Save the Date” invitation. Revenue will be shared with Lake Beautyberry Chapter FNPS as they will provide plants, volunteers and plant expertise for the sale. The OVAS/Audubon Chapter has been invited to participate with a potential to share proceeds from the sale, if they would plan, organize and staff an Open House with demonstrations, speakers and field trips that day.
The next meeting will be Monday, March 17, 2014 at 2 p.m. at PEAR Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:36 p.m.
PEAR Association, Inc. Annual Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: Minutes of Monday, December 2nd, 2013
Directors present: Hal Urban, Gene Bouley, Gary Salzman, Bob Putman
The meeting was called to order at 3:37 p.m. by President, Gary Salzman.
In the absence of the Secretary George Wolf, Peg Lindsay was appointed acting Secretary.
Motion was made by Gene Bouley, seconded by Hal Urban, to continue current officers. That would be: Gary Salzman President, Bob Putman Vice-president, George Wolf Secretary, Bob Putman Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.
Gary Salzman reappointed all committees with no changes except:
Tori Salzman was added to the Membership Committee and the Nature Center Committee.
The meetings schedule/calendar for 2014 is as follows:
March 17, 2014
June 16, 2014
September 15, 2014
November 17, 2014
December 8, 2014 Annual Meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.